St Silouan the Athonite and
behind him Archimandrite Sophrony
of Essex
"Prayer is the best of all activities for the soul. Prayer
is the path to God. Through prayer we obtain humility,
patience and every good gift...
The Lord showed great pity on me and made me
understand that I must weep all my life. Such is the way
of the Lord. And so I write now out of pity for those who
like me, are puffed up with pride, and therefore suffer. I
write that they may learn humility and find rest in God...
Only to the humble does the Lord reveal Himself in the
Holy Spirit, and if we do not humble ourselves we shall
not see God. Humility is the light in which we may behold
the Light which is God - in the words of the Psalmist:
'In thy light shall we see light' Psalm 36:9...
The humility of Christ dwells in the lowly ones - they are
glad to be the least of men. The Lord gave me understanding
Be obedient, submit with a good conscience to those in
authority. Be content with all things, and your mind will be
cleansed of vain thoughts. Remember that the Lord sees
you, and be fearful lest anywise you offend your brother.
Neither dispraise nor grieve him, even by a glance, an
expression on your face, and the Holy Spirit will love you
and Himself be your help in all things...
If you have upbraided, or passed judgment on, or
vexed your brother, your peace is lost. If you have
been boastful, or have exalted yourself above your fellow,
you have lost grace. If you did not drive away forthwith
(immediately) that wanton (merciless and capricious)
thought that came to you, your soul will lose love for God
and boldness in prayer.
If you are fond of power, or money, you will never know the
love of God. If you have followed your own will, then you are
vanquished by the enemy and despondency will come upon
your soul. If you detest your brother, it means that
you have fallen away from God, and an evil spirit
has taken possession of you...
The grace of God is not in the man who does not love his
There are people who desire the destruction, the torment
in hell-fire of their enemies, or the enemies of the Church.
They think like this because they have not learnt divine love
from the Holy Spirit, for he who has learned the love of God
will shed tears for the whole world...
But if you will do good unto your brother, you will
gain quiet for your conscience. If you subdue your own
will, your enemies will be driven off and you will receive
peace in your soul. If you forgive your brother the affronts
he puts upon you, and love your enemies, then you will
receive forgiveness for your sins and the Lord will give you
to know the love of the Holy Spirit...
And when you have entirely humbled yourself, you
will find perfect rest in God.
The Lord reveals His mysteries to the humble soul. But if the
soul has not yet learned but is only learning humility, she will
be subject to vicissitudes; at times she will find herself in
conflict with intrusive thoughts, and know no rest, while at
others she is released from such thoughts, and can
contemplate the Lord and perceive His love. Wherefore the
Lord said: 'Learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart;
and ye shall find rest unto your souls' Matthew 11:29...
Oh Lord. grant me Thy spirit of humility that I lose not Thy
grace again, and weep for it as Adam wept for paradise and
for God....
Therefore brethren, with all your might preserve the peace
of God which is freely given to us, and when any man vexes
us, if needs be let us constrain ourselves to love him, and
the Lord, seeing our pains, will help us with His grace..."
With St Silouan, let us pray:
"O Lord in Thy manifold mercy bestow on usa humble spirit, that our souls may find rest in Thee.
Most holy and gracious Mother of God, beseech Godto make us lowly in spirit.
All ye saints who dwell in heavenand behold the glory of the Lordand your spirits rejoice -pray that we also may be with you,for my soul, too, would fain see the Lord,and yearns after Him humbly,knowing herself unworthy of such blessing.
O merciful Lord, by Thy Holy Spiritteach us Thy humility."
St. Silouan the Athonite in St Silouan the Athonite by
Archimandrite Sophrony, Selections from p.269-p.504,
St Vladimir Seminary Press 1991.
St Silouan sited, and holding a prayer rope
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